Hydrogen’s impact on grids

Natalie Samovich, Head of R&D at Enercoutim, has co-authored a publication by ETIP-SNET, launched in November 2023, titled ” Impact of hydrogen integration on power grids and energy systems”. The paper was presented during the EU Hydrogen Week 2023.

The Key messages of the paper were summarised as follows:

Green hydrogen enabling green industries

While the conversion to sustainable fuels in mobility applications such as cars, buses, trucks and even ships and aircraft are seeing a lot of attention in media, the growth in industrial applications tends to be under the radar for most. Perhaps because we don’t see these processes in our daily lives they tend to go unnoticed. However, in terms of contributing to the shift to a sustainable society, these changes are critical.

Fertilizers made from green hydrogen is a reality, and in metals production, the conversion from coal-based production to a clean, green hydrogen-based future is implemented in full scale right now. One of the last examples is Hydro´s successful full scale test of green hydrogen in remelting of aluminium, an important step towards near zero emission aluminium in buildings, packaging, cars and hundreds of other products we use daily.

As a developer, constructor and operator of green hydrogen production facilities, Resilient Hydrogen is cheering these leaders in their respective fields. By being among the first to take these substantial steps towards a fossil-free future, ideas and hopes are converted to real results.

If your company wants to join the leaders in tomorrow´s industry we can help!

Resilient Hydrogen and Haffner Energy join forces in development of renewable hydrogen and gas projects in Europe


Paris, France, July 12, 2023, at 06:00 pm, 

Haffner Energy, designer and equipment supplier of innovative decarbonization solutions from residual biomass for mobility, industry and local authorities, and Resilient Hydrogen, green hydrogen project development company, have signed a cooperation agreement for the deployment of projects based on Haffner´s carbon-negative technologies, initially in Europe.

The joint ambition of the two companies is to provide competitive decarbonization solutions combining Haffner Energy’s technologies to produce renewable hydrogen, synthetic gas (syngas) and its derivatives including Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and methanol from residual biomass, and Resilient Hydrogen’s expertise in the management of international green hydrogen projects.

The aim of this partnership is to support clients in industry and heavy mobility in their energy transition, relying on Resilient Hydrogen’s market network, with several projects already identified, notably in Scandinavia and in Iberia.

Marc RECHTER, CEO of Resilient Hydrogen and co-founder of the Resilient Group, says: “We see a substantial and rapid growth for green hydrogen and syngas, as well as derivative products such as green bio-methanol and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Through this cooperation with Haffner Energy, we will be able to match our projects pipeline with Haffner Energy’s game-changing technologies. This technology is commercially available right now, and we welcome questions and requests from companies that want to lead the development within their industry.”

Philippe HAFFNER, Co-Founder and CEO of Haffner Energy, says: “We are proud to bring to Resilient Hydrogen our unique solutions for the production of affordable renewable hydrogen, syngas and its derivatives. This collaboration will also enable us to accelerate the deployment of our carbon-negative technologies in Europe and internationally”.

To download the press release, click here


Resilient Hydrogen, the European trailblazer in the evolving Green Hydrogen industry and derivative products such as green bio-methanol, ammonia and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), embarked on its journey in 2021, building on the extensive hydrogen focused activities of Resilient Group since 2017. Specialising in the heavy-duty mobility sector, and industrial decarbonization, we leverage deep-rooted expertise in technology, engineering, finance, research and innovation and policy disciplines to create safe, reliable, and economically viable green hydrogen solutions through Hydrogen Hubs that fuel the future of transport and industrial decarbonization.


 A listed family company co-founded and co-directed by Marc and Philippe Haffner, and a key player in the energy transition for 30 years, Haffner Energy designs and supplies innovative decarbonization solutions for mobility, industry and local authorities. Its technology, based on residual biomass and organic waste thermolysis and protected by 15 patent families, enables customers to produce renewable hydrogen and syngas, as well as other green energies such as Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and methanol.


Press contacts

CLAI – Corporate communication

Thibault Lecauchois

+33 7 84 58 77 11

Valentine Serres

+33 7 78 41 45 91


Haffner Energy

Laure Bourdon

Chief of Staff to the CEO & Head of communication

+ 33 (0) 7 87 96 35 15


Resilient Hydrogen

Gilles Desorbay

Managing Director 

+41 79 473 9716 


RH2 at the World Hydrogen Mobility Conference  

Resilient Hydrogen was proud to have our Head of Business Development for Southern Europe, Hugo Lucas, participate as an expert at the World Hydrogen Mobility conference that took place in Stuttgart Germany from 30 May to  1 June 2023,  organised by the World Hydrogen Leaders.

Under the theme “Uniting the Worlds of Hydrogen and Mobility”, on the panel dedicated to “Centralised vs Decentralised Hydrogen Production for Refuelling” we conveyed our insights about decentralised hydrogen production associating it with the Green Hydrogen Corridors that Resilient Hydrogen is developing in Iberia.

On this panel we had the pleasure of sharing the stage with Janina Zittel (Head of Department / Zuse Institute Berlin), Myron Keehn (president & CEO – Edmonton International Airport) and Niko Bosnjak (Head Of Policy and Communications – OGE), that offered their excellent knowledge and experiences on this theme.




The H2BCNHUB project kicks off in Barcelona

The H2BCNHUB project, carried out by a consortium formed by CLEAN ENERGY VENTURES (an SPV created by Resilient Group and Kopala) and REDEXIS, aims to deploy a green hydrogen HUB for heavy-duty mobility uses in the province of Barcelona, Spain. This new integrated action envisaging the production, distribution and use of renewable hydrogen will make it possible to deploy a solution aimed at heavy mobility with hydrogen in the field of professional fleets, in a location with a large transit of heavy goods, both within the country and in international transport to Europe, transforming the current model of mobility and transport based on fossil fuels. With a capacity of 20 MW and an estimated hydrogen production of 55 tons/year, available in 2026 and a global investment of 55.24 million euros, under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, it is financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

Arranca el proyecto H2BCNHUB en Barcelona

El proyecto H2BCNHUB, ejecutado por el consorcio formado por CLEAN ENERGY VENTURES (una SPV creada por Resilient Group and Kopala) y REDEXIS, tiene como objetivo desplegar un HUB de hidrógeno verde para usos en movilidad pesada en la provincia de Barcelona. La nueva actuación integral de producción, distribución y uso del hidrógeno renovable permitirá desplegar una solución dirigida a la movilidad pesada con hidrógeno en el ámbito de las flotas profesionales, en un emplazamiento con gran tránsito de mercancías pesadas, tanto dentro del país como en transportes internacionales hacia Europa, transformando el modelo actual de movilidad y transporte basado en combustibles fósiles. Con una potencia de 20 MW y una producción de hidrógeno estimada en 55 ton/año, disponible en 2026 y una inversión global de 55,24 millones de euros, bajo el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, está financiado por la Unión Europea – NextGenerationEU.

Multimillion Euro grant awarded to Resilient Hydrogen’s Barcelona Hydrogen Hub project

Resilient Group subsidiary Resilient Hydrogen is pleased to announce that the results of the Spanish programme “H2 Pioneros” have been announced and its “H2 BCN Hub” project has been awarded a 12,8 million Euro grant. This is an important milestone for Resilient Hydrogen (through its joint venture CEV – Clean Energy Ventures) in its efforts to support the decarbonisation of industry and mobility in Spain.

The “H2 BCN Hub” project aims at developing a renewable hydrogen production and distribution logistic platform to help decarbonize local industry and supply fuel cell-electric fleets operating around the Barcelona region, thus stimulating the decarbonisation of the heavy duty mobility sector. The project is part of a larger initiative to develop the alternative fuel infrastructure in the Mediterranean road corridor, allowing the circulation of zero-emission trucks between the cities of Barcelona, Zaragoza, Madrid and Valencia (H2BZMV initiative) – the first green hydrogen corridor in Spain.

Project “H2 BCN Hub” will install a 20MW capacity electrolyser, coupled with compression, storage and distribution components. The yearly production of 2600 tons of green hydrogen will ensure the supply for the demand from over 100 trucks at the start of the operations. The Demo Tour organised by CEV in Barcelona in July 2022 shows the strong interest from transport companies in FCEV trucks and hydrogen mobility and that the market is ready for the transition!

Gilles Desorbay, the Managing Director of Resilient Hydrogen, said: “I am delighted that this renewable hydrogen project has been recognized as being of strategic importance to the decarbonization of the mobility and industrial sectors in the Barcelona area. Beyond its monetary value, the award of the 12.8 million Euro grant from the H2 Pioneros Program is also a testament to our future customers, partners and to our team of the value of the project, and of the expectations it has already created in our collective decarbonization journey. We are excited to move ahead with the next stages of the project and are looking forward to starting its operations in the next couple of years with the aim to ultimately link Barcelona, Zaragoza, Madrid and Valencia with a reliable green hydrogen infrastructure.”

About Resilient Hydrogen: Founded in 2021 as a Spin-off from Resilient Group’s hydrogen activities dating back to 2017, Resilient Hydrogen is a Green Hydrogen development company that uses its expertise in technology, engineering, finance and regulatory fields to design safe, reliable and economically viable green hydrogen solutions for clients in the industry and mobility sectors, facilitating and accelerating their decarbonisation journey.