Accelerating the energy transition through building world-class

green hydrogen systems

The HYDROGENIZING Barcelona Initiative

The Hydrogenizing Barcelona Initiative is co-developed by Resilient Hydrogen, and has as strategic partners Redexis and Hyzon Motors.

Project promotor and Green Hydrogen hub developer.

What We Do

Resilient Hydrogen develops, builds and operates Green Hydrogen projects through hydrogen value chains, helping to decarbonize industrial and mobility sectors.

Why do clients need it?
Decarbonization Roadmap - Why do clients need it?

The Resilient Hydrogen team develops decarbonisation roadmaps for companies operating in the long-haul transports and logistics as well as within industrial sectors to reduce their carbon footprint, by developing hydrogen-based systems. Roadmap towards efficient and zero-carbon activities.

The Resilient Hydrogen team develops decarbonisation roadmaps for companies operating in the long-haul transports and logistics as well as within industrial sectors to reduce their carbon footprint, by developing hydrogen-based systems. Roadmap towards efficient and zero-carbon activities.

Why is it important?
Optimisation and Modelling - Why is it important?

The Resilient Hydrogen team develops a customized management system to achieve zero emissions operations. Digital components and solutions can contribute towards a transparent and controlled system of the zero-emissions processes.

The Resilient Hydrogen team develops a customized management system to achieve zero emissions operations. Digital components and solutions can contribute towards a transparent and controlled system of the zero-emissions processes.

What are the differentiators?
System Feasibility and Design - What are the differentiators?

Resilient Hydrogen translates its clients explicit requirements into sound, detailed feasibility studies. All relevant variables take various parameters and scenarios into consideration. The feasibility studies drive towards the best performance of the renewable hydrogen system. Multidimensional approach towards the system is taken into consideration.

Resilient Hydrogen translates its clients explicit requirements into sound, detailed feasibility studies. All relevant variables take various parameters and scenarios into consideration. The feasibility studies drive towards the best performance of the renewable hydrogen system. Multidimensional approach towards the system is taken into consideration.

Why transplantation of a roadmap to an execution plan is a critical step?
Value Chain Turnkey Execution Plan - Why transplantation of a roadmap to an execution plan is a critical step?

Resilient Hydrogen manages the implementations of the projects. The team leverages its expertise to provide clients with a complete and ready to operate green hydrogen system and the related solutions. Resilient Hydrogen can also act as a co-investor in the project and help secure the necessary funds towards the implementation of the hydrogen system.

Resilient Hydrogen manages the implementations of the projects. The team leverages its expertise to provide clients with a complete and ready to operate green hydrogen system and the related solutions. Resilient Hydrogen can also act as a co-investor in the project and help secure the necessary funds towards the implementation of the hydrogen system.

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Key Components of Green Hydrogen

Value Chains

Resilient Hydrogen methodology of the development of hydrogen production facilities and the mobility market. We dynamically evolve the entire industrial ecosystem together with our project partners.

Our drive
Our Drive:

To positively and timely address the emerging demand for low cost green hydrogen, accelerating the global decarbonisation of hard to abate sectors.

To positively and timely address the emerging demand for low cost green hydrogen, accelerating the global decarbonisation of hard to abate sectors.

Our drive
Our vision
Our Vision:

As an independent green hydrogen development and operating platform we are aiming to meet the market demand through the delivery of world-class green hydrogen systems, services and innovative solutions.

Our vision
What We Do
What we do:

Design and implement highly standardized green hydrogen solutions across selected market segments, leveraging an agile and specialised organisation to develop business models and supply chain relationships that drive results in the emerging green hydrogen market.

What We Do
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Developing Green Hydrogen Projects

across the entire value chain

Hydrogen Production

Hydrogen Hubs blueprint

Transport & Distribution

From production to end-use

Mobility and Logistics

Heavy duty applications for decarbonisation


Design and development of storage infrastructures


Green Hydrogen exports by sea

Digital Hub

Design and development of digital solutions for Green Hydrogen models

Reach out to us to know more

Ecosystem Building

Development of value networks

Role of Hydrogen Towards Decarbonisation

By 2030 emissions are expected to be reduced by 55% and Europe is aiming to become climate neutral by 2050

In Mobility:

  • Will help decarbonise transportation by powering zero-emission fuel cell electric vehicles

  • Will have a greater impact in private and public heavy-duty transportation

  • By 2030, in the EU, 2,6% of transport will be fuelled by renewable fuels of non-biological origin and one refuelling station will be available every 150km along the TEN-T core network and in every urban node (Fit of 55)

In Industry:

  • Is the best known solution to decarbonise energy-intensive industrial activities such as chemicals, refining, iron and steel, ceramics, glass, among many others. (IR ENA Technological Outlook For the Energy Transition Sep. 2018)

  • By 2030, all H2 consumed in industry will have a renewable share of 50% (Fit for 55)

  • Target of 10 million tonnes of domestic renewable hydrogen production and 10 million tonnes of imports by 2030 (RePowerEU)

Resilient Hydrogen Supports and Contributes to the Following Ecosystems:

Resilient Hydrogen is developing green hydrogen projects across a growing number of countries

Founded in 2021

as a Spin-off from Resilient Group’s hydrogen activities dating back to 2017, Resilient Hydrogen is a Green Hydrogen development company that uses its expertise in technology, engineering, finance and regulatory fields to design safe, reliable and economically viable green hydrogen solutions for clients in the industry and mobility sectors, facilitating and accelerating their decarbonisation journey

Headquartered in The Netherlands

we have projects under development across Europe, from the Iberian Peninsula to the Baltic Sea. The company has specialised in designing and developing integrated solutions across the green hydrogen value chain

Is part of Resilient Group

which has been working on accelerating the energy transition 2009 and on hydrogen project development since 2017

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